General configuration



i You will find the general settings of your SMS Gateway in the web interface under Configuration - General.




ê Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page after every change so that your settings are accepted.







Always ensure that the set time of the SMS Gateway is correct. This is essential for Licencing for example.

The time is determined using the NTP server.






Be notified by email if the signal strength is no longer sufficient to send or receive text messages.

Stop the sending of text messages or Telegram messages, e.g. during planned service work.






You can receive a report on the number of sent text messages on a weekly or monthly basis.

NB: Configure a SMTP server for sending emails.






Configure the host name and the domain of your SMS Gateway.



SMTP configuration


First enter the address of the SMTP server and the email address which is to be shown as sender.

Where applicable configure user name and password for authentication.





You can access the SNMP documentation here.






Configure the lowest TLS Version which will be accepted by the web server of the SMS Gateway.

Select the encryption ciphers you want to be used by the web server of the SMS Gateway.







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